
GTR Makes It EASY!

Companies With Proven Results!

Get The Best Leads for Less Money With GTR 


Download Your GTR
Branded App


Engage Them with
Project Updates &
Push Notifications


Ask for Reviews
& Share on Social
to Boost Reach


Track and Pay for
Referrals, all within
Your App

"GTR has been a game changer for Kingdom Roofing Systems. It has made referrals a breeze. GTR gives them a tool in their pocket to send leads to the home office..."


Kristi Crisp

"The app was game-changing for us! It looks professional and it stands out. People can send a referral, get paid, track their project, send a review, communicate with the team... everything is all in one place."


Andre Ramos

"About 50-60% of our customers will actually download the app. Generally, most people do it  because they can follow their whole experience. Once a homeowner has the app, they're a fanatic about it. They love it!"

Managing Partner

Jon Broce

Seeing is Believing.

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